Meeting of the Health and Adult Services Executive


14 January 2022 at 13.30

Via MS Teams




Present:        Councillor Michael Harrison and Councillor Andrew Lee


Officers:        Richard Webb (RW); Carly Walker (CW); Anton Hodge (AH); Sarah Abram (SA)


Minutes:        Dawn Day




For Note/ Action


Declaration of Interests

County Councillor Michael Harrison declared an interest as his spouse works in Health and Adult Services.  He relied on a dispensation granted by the standards committee enabling him to partake fully in the meeting.




Items for Corporate Director Decision










Extension of Welfare Benefits Unit Contract


This item was deferred to the February meeting pending additional information.


Extension of Citizens Advice Bureau Contract


This item was deferred to the February meeting pending additional information.


To approve the procurement of a provider to deliver the Sustainable Warmth Programme


CW presented.


NYCC has led a consortium with three district councils (Scarborough, Ryedale and Hambleton) and was successful in the latest round of Government funding to tackle fuel poverty as part of the seasonal health strategy. The bid set out how we would target wards with the highest rates of fuel poverty and the worst homes first.


Approval was requested to procure a provider who will deliver this programme on our behalf and will complete activities such as marketing, taking enquiries from potential households, checking eligibility and carrying out the work in individual properties. All measures must be completed by 31st March 2023.  Payment is made to providers only on completion of an installation and any unused funding will need to be returned. A provider needs to be identified as soon as possible using an external framework. 


Should the successful providers sub-contract, it will be stipulated within the specification that local installers are to be used.  Unfortunately, the skills to install air source pumps is not widely available in North Yorkshire due to the new technology and installers may need to be brought in from outside the area. 


Cllr Lee asked that we consider more than one provider to ensure a competitive process.   It was agreed to explore with legal and procurement the use of up to two end-to-end providers. 


Cllr Lee asked if the funding could be used for re-skilling, but this was not an option under the terms of the funding.


RW thanked CW for all her hard work in securing the funding.




1.    RW and Cllrs were broadly in support of the proposal. They would like officers to explore the option of up to two end-to-end providers.

2.    An update was requested on next steps, contract awards and press releases at a future meeting.











Items for Executive Member Decision



Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO) public report

SA and AH presented.

The LGSCO recently published a report outlining its findings into a complaint about North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC). The Ombudsman upheld the complaint and made recommendations accepted by the Council.

A review was undertaken and a further six cases were found, resulting in no financial redress. The Council were able to give assurance that the necessary work had been undertaken and remedies put in place.

There has been learning for the Council in relation to decisions around finance.  Cllr Harrison asked that in future we consider and understand our actions and the impact they have on others.   

He acknowledged that decisions around social care and finance are complicated and SA confirmed that we have changed the way we interpret the policy. 

Following the review of the additional six cases, Cllr Harrison felt reassured that the additional processes have been put in place to prevent this occurring again.


1.    Cllr Harrison noted the content of the report

2.    Cllr Harrison accepted the finding and recommendations of the LGSCO and those actions have been taken to address the recommendations.










Notes of previous meeting held on 10 December 2021



Reviewed and accepted as an accurate record.



Non-decision item



Update of Weight Management Provider Sustainability



1.    The arrangements in each locality were noted.

2.    It was noted that in the event of provider failure, the Council would review its options in light of the presenting circumstances and its contractual obligations.

3.    A report will be presented to Executive ahead of the procurement in September.